Mustache Starter Kit
What is Mustache?
Mustache is a templating language that makes it easy to insert dynamic data into a page.
How to use this guide.
- Remix this app
to see the sample code and lots of comments, and learn how Mustache works. - Click show in the top left header, and select "Next to code" to see the templates update as you make changes
- Open
to see the sample JSON data.
Mustache is a "logic-less" templating system, but it can still iterate over data to make your life easy.
Iterating over an array
For example this is how you'd display an array of all the flavors of sparking water in the Glitch HQ fridge:
- grapefruit
- tangerine
- berry
- mango
- lime
- lemon
- cursed coconut
Iterating over an array of objects
This is how you'd display an array of objects…like what's playing next on the Glitch team playlist:
1999 by Prince
Requested by Anil -
Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds
Requested by Steph -
Stutter by EMEFE
Requested by Sarah -
Silver Springs by Fleetwood Mac
Requested by Katie
Using boolean values
Mustache can also display info based on boolean values. You can use this to change the content of your page.
is_holiday: false
Today is a workday.
is_coffee_fresh: true
The coffee is hot and fresh! Come and get it!
Creating Reusable Components
Mustache also makes it easy to break your markup into smaller, reusable files called partials. This is useful for things like the footer and navigation which will be present across all of your pages.